Hi all,
On Thu, 4 Feb 2016 22:16:27 -0800 Krzysztof Kosiński <tweenk.pl@...400...> wrote:
Eventually we probably need to move to Git. The user interface is completely atrocious, but the fact it works from a single directory by default is very convenient when using Eclipse, and Eclipse is an elephantine monstrosity but has good code navigation. This could also encourage more people to contribute, since almost all OSS developers know Git, while a very limited number know Bazaar at this point.
I would support a move to Git, not because I use Eclipse (which I don't) but because I could never quite figure out bzr's UI and internal model. Git took me quite a long time to learn as well, but I already did it, and I guess it was worth it, because it is commonly used. bzr however seems not worth to learn at this point because it never really took off outside of the limited Ubuntu/Launchpad/GNU-Arch community.
The bug tracker and answer tracker should definitely stay on Launchpad, but what about the code? Should we use Launchpad's nascent Git support, or some other site like Github? What people think?
We can convert lib2geom first and apply the lessons learned to Inkscape.
Best regards, Krzysztof
Shlomi Fish