5 Jan
5 Jan
2:24 p.m.
Hi, all,
Since the tracer can now make <g>roups of paths, the existing ability to select the result and simplify it with a <ctrl>L has temporarily been lost for them.
I added a few lines of code to splivarot to be able to descend into a group of paths and simplify them, too. The only trick necessary for breaking out the code into being recursive was this rule:
a) If it is a shape, then the item has been replaced and the selection has changed. ...or ... b) If it is a group, and an item in it has been replaced, then the selection has -not- been changed.
I tested it on many curves before committing. I don't think I did anything to break it, but some of Fred's code can be a mystery. Please give it a try and let me know.