Hi All,
I've gone ahead and indicated our interest in participating in this year's Google Summer of Code.
Please begin imagining some good projects for us to offer for students to work on. :-) The more ideas, the better!
----- Forwarded message from Leslie Hawthorn <lhawthorn@...819...> -----
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 12:43:36 -0700 From: Leslie Hawthorn <lhawthorn@...819...> To: bryce@...961... Reply-To: lhawthorn@...819... Subject: Invitation to Participate in Summer of Code 2006
Hello Bryce, *ahem* Sorry about that - we'd like to invite Inkscape to sign up! Google is launching the Summer of Code program again this year and we would like to invite Inkscape to sign up to participate. You can peruse our [1]Mentor FAQ and [2]Terms of Service on the [3]Summer of Code site for more information on this year's instance of the program. If you would like to participate in Summer of Code 2006, please email back with your [4]Google Account information and we will use this information to create the first administrator account on the SoC site for Inkscape and send you instructions for accessing and updating the site. We look forward to working with you again during this year's Summer of Code! Cheers, LH -- Leslie Hawthorn Open Source Program Coordinator Google Inc.
1. http://code.google.com/soc/mentorfaq.html 2. http://code.google.com/soc/tos.html 3. http://code.google.com/soc/ 4. https://www.google.com/accounts/ManageAccount
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