What about contacting gitlab.com support to get ideas? Inkscape is a really big and well known OSS project - they might be willing to help out in some way...

On 2 Apr 2017 01:26, "Martin Owens" <doctormo@...847...0...> wrote:
Dear Developers,

I've been working on getting the inkscape-web bugs moved over from
launchpad to GitLab. The code for doing this is pretty much there, but
there is one serious limitations.

It's not possible to set users to anyone but myself for /anything/. So
that's everything from bug creator, assignee to commenter.

This is because our project is on Gitlab.com where I'm (obviously) not
an administrator. Admin access on one's own hosting of gitlab is a
prerequisite for importing data with users other than your own. It
makes sense that I can't assign three hundred bugs to some unwilling
party, but it's a bit annoying.

The closest I can get is to use a new gitlab.com user I've created
called 'lpuser' it's an account I can bless with project privileges and
then let it own all launchpad posts from the transition. Prefacing the
content/description of the bug or comment with "originally posted by
~username on launchpad"

Before I commit to importing the launchpad inkscape-web bugs under this
user. Does anyone else have any ideas to try?

Best Regards, Martin Owens

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