indicates that 3.8 is what should be required for GTK+... This is the official place this is tracked, so if someone introduced features that are incompatible it's their problem to fix. This is no different than us being conservative about C++ features getting introduced into the codebase years after they're available in compilers... given previous practices and reasoning, this wouldn't pass the enterprise litmus test as they wouldn't update to a newer distro version a month after release. There are cases where we did decide to push past that standard, but they've been very few and far between.


On Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 1:49 AM, Michael Soegtrop via Inkscape-devel <> wrote:
Ok, I am giving up now. The next issue is the change of
"create_popup_menu" in "filter-effects-dialog.cpp". There is no easy way
to patch this for GTK 3.14, because there Gtk::Menu::Menu(const
Gtk::Menu&) is private. Since there are no GTK backports in Debian 8, I
have to update to Debian 9 to build inkscape. Not nice :-(

Best regards,


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