4 Sep
4 Sep
7:39 p.m.
On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 09:58:23AM -0700, Josh Andler wrote:
Hey All!
Since I was a release warden for 0.46 and will be the one moving forward for 0.47 as well I'd like to touch base.
First, it seems like patches intended for 0.46.1 have died down submission-wise. I plan on beginning to get caught up on Launchpad with regard to those in an effort to move things forward with it. Does anyone have any requests or things to comment on with this?
Since it sounds like 0.47 needs a stabilization period, it may make sense to focus release efforts just on 0.46.1 for now.
I recall there being a handful of tagged 0.46.1 bugs. I suspect additional digging through the post-0.46.0 changelogs would be useful to identify more patches worth backporting.