On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 1:01 PM, Alexander Brock <a.brock@...2965...> wrote:
I'm a native German speaker living in Germany, I could translate stuff from English to German and / or gather a list of German computer-related news-sites etc.
Hey Alexander,
It would be great if you could help with translating once we have drafted the language for an announcement. Additionally, gathering a list of German computer related news sites would be great too!
You message prompted me to create an announcement planning page for 0.91 [1] based on what we had done in the past. It is really bare and I have not done much other than some updating it from the 0.47 page it was based on. If you would be willing to list German sites there when you have them it would be appreciated. If you do not have an account for our wiki yet, just reply letting me know your desired username and I will get you set up with one.
Additionally, if anyone would like to do a pass over the announement planning page to update relevant areas it would be greatly appreciated!
Cheers, Josh
[1] http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/AnnouncePlanning091