On 10/25/2012 09:56 PM, Arshdeep Singh wrote:
I intend to use Eclipse-CDT for working around the source code to understand things. If anyone can help me with it ?
I import it. The C/C++ Code ananlysis results in lot of errors/warnings. I was wishing I code jump b/w linked files like we do for smaller projects in IDEs similar to Eclipse. Is something of that sort possible ?
You mean that after compiling the code, you don't want to have plain text output with all the warnings and errors? You'd rather have it laid out in a spreadsheet-like-widget on the problems tab with unfoldable hyperlinks that allow you to jump to the relevant file and line? Yes, that is possible in Eclipse ;-). But I'm not sure that this is what you're referring to.
I've been able to set it up like this before, but my current Eclipse project is also missing this feature. I simply checked out a copy of the code base using bazaar-explorer (on Fedora), and subsequently imported that into a new Eclipse project ("Makefile project with existing code"). This however only gives you plain text output. If on the other hand you try New C++ project -> makefile project -> hello world C++ project -> Linux GCC toolchain, and overwrite the template code with the code you checked out into another directory then you should get the hyperlinks. You might however have lost the link with the bzr repository.
Maybe the best way is to first create the "hello world C++ project", and then do a bzr checkout into that directory? Anyway, the C/C++ code analysis feature works in both cases, I just verified that.