I agree with Adib, with a little more testing it would be great to be able to offer these builds.

probono: if the system building these is multiarch, they'd be able to build for 32bit as well, correct? I have a user who would be willing to test a 32bit build as they're stuck on an ancient release of Ubuntu (a first half of the alphabet release).


On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 2:58 PM, the Adib <theadib@...400...> wrote:
cool stuff. It will remove all this dependencies needs.
Once several peaple confirmed, we should link directly from our downloadpage

Why should that be compiled using old OS image?
I thought using bleeding edge build system you get all the cool features and library improvements only.

Regards, theAdib.

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 11:24 PM, probono <probono@...3377...> wrote:
2016-04-18 11:52 GMT+02:00 Olof Bjarnason <olof.bjarnason@...360...400...>:
> Wow, I tested the appimage on Ubuntu 15.10 and it just works ... Great
> achievement!
> I guess settings are still saved in conventional paths?

Yes, correct.

> I think AppImages makes a lot of sense for testing out new features / UI
> changes that are not yet in trunk. Early feedback.
> On a side note, I've been working on a Vagrantfile that summons up a VM
> capable of building Inkscape from source. I wonder how much work it would be
> to add "appimage"-building capability to that....
> https://github.com/objarni/inkup/edit/master/Vagrantfile

Cool. In fact I have been doing something very similar but using
CentOS 7 and Docker. It would not be that hard to add AppImage
generation, see
However the distribution you are building on should be as old as
reasonably possible, because that makes the resulting binaries usable
on more systems. I had tried CentOS 6 but then given up because
Inkscape seemed to need newer versions of many dependencies (or at
least the autotools were thinking so).

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