Quoting Michael Wheeler <mpwheeler@...400...>:
I can't wait for Cairo to get fast, but I get the impression from reading the list that I may be waiting a while. Would it help things out at all if IS just drew a preview of the affected bezier segments as points were being dragged and waited to redraw the actual shape until after the mouse button was released (similar to what Illustrator does)?
Alternately, you could modify the canvas and SPShape code so that:
1. NRArenaShape only feeds the section of the path that lies within the update region to the renderer
2. SPShape only requests an update for the bbox of the _changed portion_ of the path in the first place (rather than the whole thing)
I can elaborate on the algorithms necessary to do this if you would like -- there are some finer points WRT including enough extra path context to get a correct rendering, and maintaining correct dash offsets.
This is something I've been meaning to do for a while myself, but I simply haven't had time to do much coding these days.