2016-10-08 3:02 GMT+02:00 Martin Owens <doctormo@...400...>:
On Fri, 2016-10-07 at 22:26 +0200, Christoffer Holmstedt wrote:
Hi I noticed last week that issues on github were disabled. There are now 2 complaints in a pull request concerning this.
Anyone able to answer them with some explanation? I assume code will eventually move to git/github/gitlab but we are not there yet...but I'm not sure what to answer "waldyrious" and "shakaran" on Github at the moment.
I emailed both people privately explaining why the issues tracker was closed. Although it was closed for a while before, I re-opened it to close all the issues and point people to the real tracker then closed it again.
One of the two has responded by email and understands.
The main reason seems to be that the user was unwilling to join the mailing list and wanted emails from github. I'm going to note that for future because we shouldn't really divide up our community into different platform communication if possible.
Any way you can close the pull requests?
Best Regards, Martin Owens
Actually, I'm not sure if we should close the pull requests at all because it is not possible to disable pull requests on github. With Bryce's reply to the pull request it might be easier for the future to keep it open and just link to that reply in future pull requests. More pull request will eventually come that way no matter if we close or leave it open, but it will be more visible if we leave it open.