Hi all,
The crashes in the eraser tool and the calligraphy tool are caused by a quite fundamental change in 2geom, that I learned about just now. I have started a discussion about this on the 2geom maillist. I think we should revert this change in 2geom, but if we do not, it will mean that all code containing "dynamic_castGeom::CubicBezier" and "dynamic_castGeom::QuadBezier" will have to be reviewed and recoded to use the new API. (which is a bit more cumbersome for most Inkscape needs)
I hope we can sort this out soon. I have fixed the calligraphy tool, because it does not need to know the order of the bezier curve. The other bugs will have to wait until we decide about 2geom.
(btw, there are also more covert bugs caused by this. For example, the SVG output is probably different from what it used to be, since all cubic beziers are first converted to another representation (SBasis), and then back to cubic Bezier. The details are a bit involved so I wont explain.)
Ciao, Johan
-----Original Message----- From: suv@...2204... [mailto:suv@...2204...] On Behalf Of ~suv Sent: 12 February 2011 16:03 To: Engelen, J.B.C. (Johan) Cc: inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net; Krzysztof Kosiński Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] Updated 2geom -- what changed?
On 2/2/11 22:26, J.B.C.Engelen@...1578... wrote:
I have not done extensive tests, Inkscape seems to build fine, runs
and what I tested (spiro LPE) works fine too. If there are any
let me know.
The eraser tool now causes Inkscape to crash, reproduced with Inkscape 0.48+devel r10031, r10039 and r10045 on OS X 10.5.8 (i386)
** ERROR:eraser-context.cpp:890:void
accumulate_eraser(SPEraserContext*): assertion failed: (rev_cal2_firstseg)
Not reproduced with r10019 (local build) and r10021 (dev build from modevia).
Reported by Alvin for r10045 on Windows in Bug #717676 eraser tool crash, rev 10045 https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/717676