On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 23:40:49 -0400, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote: [...]
Another example is if someone is drawing a plan of a house and uses meters (or even a country map using kilometers); if I open his plan and see all sizes in points, they will look rather weird.
I, as a metric system user, know for sure what 12.7 mm is, so 127 mm would look suspicious at all matters. And a floor plan in meters if the original author intended inches or yards, would still look alright, for those are the units I can picture in my head!
Also, if I were a pt-unit lover and see a country map with a bazillion pt in some measure, that'd definitely make sense to me, no matter what the original rounding intention of the author was.
I certainly don't find myself comfortable working with inches, and am used to have margins (in word processors) of 2.54 cm and the like. It is indeed a general preference of mine, and wouldn't like it to be document-specific.
Daniel Díaz yosoy@...31...