lode leroy wrote:
Can anyone confirm if these work, or at least, are expected to work? I have created a path, and selected some of these effects, but I see no result. Is there a way to get some feedback? (like --verbose from the command line?)
BTW, I'm trying out Inkscape-0.41+0.42pre1-1.win32.exe on WinXP-SP1
I can confirm that they used to work. But the build I made from CVS last night didn't. I will try the latest snapshot when I get to work this morning. We should probably get Bob to try it once. And then if it doesn't work ask Ted to look at the code he wrote to capture STDERR from scripts. (This was added so that users could get feedback from scripts.) Ted doesn't work with Win32 so he will probably need help debugging it.
Ted, what can we do to help?
Aaron Spike