I just committed the layers dialog UI based on the Layer Manager that Mental had done.
We know there are some compile issues with sigc++ up to 2.0.10 and gcc 4.0.x. We think that by sigc++ 2.0.16 things were corrected in sigc++, as an autopackage build using that worked on a box where the base build failed.
For me, I'm using sigc++ 2.0.11 and gcc 3.3 and all is happy-happy.
Known issues:
* gcc 4.0 compile problems * plain checkboxes instead of little eye and lock icons * layers not listed in proper order
The order issue is coming from something in the layer manager itself, and the UI stuff in the layers dialog is properly displaying what it's been told. I figure that's a short debug session on the ordering in the layer manager itself. Thus it's a minor bug.