On Mon, 17 Mar 2008 18:01:48 +0100 J.B.C.Engelen@...1578... wrote:
I think it is actually very unclear to commit in small chunks.
Only your local, "personal", commits are likely to be "small chunks", others won't see them, and you don't have to make them unless you want. Personally I think it's great to be able to regularly "Save Game" locally and then merge / push to the shared system when I've actually accomplished something.
The leo-editor project I hack on a bit has just moved from CVS to launchpad/bzr. It's a smaller project than inkscape, but generally the transition has been a good thing. There's the EOLs of course, but you can deal with those. And bzr can accommodate almost any workflow, it can behave like CVS if you want... this is good but makes it a little confusing at first, although I think that can be overcome by more experienced users sharing recipes, that's what happened on the leo-editor project.
I think, grass is always much greener on the neighbour's lawn.
:-) good point, but I don't think there's much question than bzr/git/hg are more flexible, productive models than SVN - not that that helps if you want a friendly gui for bzr and there isn't one. I suspect that command line use is simpler in bzr than svn though.
Cheers -Terry