worms invasion wrote:
... For all the reasons explained above, I think that, although done with the best intention, the fact that the blur/filter display "average quality" has changed results in the opposite effect as the one intended. It seems to me that, at the moment, there are more SVG "done with 0.46" than "done with O.47', and that the case I am describing will arrive for a long, long time...
If I missed an obvious point, I'd very much like to hear it.
I don't think you missed anything, and perhaps we should rethink the default setting of the filter quality, but the fact remains that for people with not-so-fast machines the best filter quality simply isn't an option when interacting with the graphics. (And it is in fact not uncommon for drawing programs to have low-quality rendering modes.)
So, assuming that simply removing the lower quality settings is (currently) not an option, what do you think is an acceptable way of decreasing the quality in exchange for speed?