On Sun, 14 May 2006 20:14:50 +0200, Ralf Stephan wrote:
You wrote
Yep, that's the one. Investigating further, I think you just need to use:
./configure --enable-binreloc
I'm curious about why this isn't the default, though.
Could you please put that into a bug report in the tracker?
Sure, I've added it here:
There appear to be major problems with list mails atm,
My original post still doesn't appear in gmane, only Jean-François's reply! I've copied the original message into the bug report in case anyone else can't see it.
also to the autopackage maintainer.
CC'd. Mike, is using --enable-binreloc to build the binary RPM sensible? I found this post from 2004 about it:
It doesn't look like there would be a problem building the RPM with this turned on.