Christian Rose <menthos@...823...> scrisse:
I guess I failed to communicate the most important issue here. That issue is:
- Since you're essentially doing your sort of own translation
project with Inkscape, how do you solve issues of translation quality control and peer review?
In other words, what would stop someone else from submitting a poorer Swedish Inkscape translation and having it committed, just weeks after I sent in mine? Do you keep track of your translations and who translates into what language? Do you ask people to confirm that they are ok with translations? Do you ask multiple volunteers for any language to get in contact with each other and sort issues out themselves, or do you just hope that any latest translation sent in by anyone is the one to commit, and hope that any issues will be caught by end users after the next Inkscape release?
I do not know what happens in other tp, but I can speak of mine (Italian). I translate inkscape in Italian, and I currently work in cooperation with the Gnome-team a gimp translator, so switching to Gnome CVS isn't needed IMHO. Also, all the Italian sub-team send translations to a master and general list, in order to get multiple revision by everybody, not only by your own team.
This is the quality control for my translation (almost no error, uniform with the Gnome project and other italian localized program).
Ciao, Luca