Gesendet: Donnerstag, 07. Mai 2015 um 21:44 Uhr Von: "Johan Engelen" <jbc.engelen@...2592...> An: inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Betreff: Re: [Inkscape-devel] PUBLISHER article on 0.91 available
On 7-5-2015 7:23, "Christoph Schäfer" wrote:
The article on Inkscape 0.91 is finally available in print and online: http://publisher.ch/dynpg/upload/imgfile6767.pdf
Enjoy (or be upset).
Great work, thanks.
Small correction: the grayscale mode *costs* processor power (it's an extra filter), instead of reducing load. The reason for adding the grayscale mode was to quickly judge whether the chosen colors will look OK in b/w print.
cheers, Johan
Hallo Johan,
Thanks for the hint, but there's no way to correct this, as the PUBLISHER website only comprises HTML and PDF versions of the print edition. But it won't have been the latest article on Inkscape :)
As I understand, you're Dutch and currently a post-graduate in Switzerland. I'm German and used to be a post-graduate (history) in the Netherlands (VU Amsterdam), so I have a certain command of Dutch. I wouldn't mention this if there wasn't a legitimate reason. Provided your High German (not Swiss German!) is good enough, you might be interested in presenting Inkscape during the swiss publishing days 2015 (Bern, 4-6 November), which is dedicated to openness and data exchange.
It's a actually a bit late, but I could still try to sneak you in if it doesn't cost too much (e.g. only travelling costs).
Hartelijke groeten,