On Mon, Dec 02, 2013 at 03:08:33PM +0100, su_v wrote:
On 2013-12-02 08:20 +0100, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Thanks. Josh and I will get a task list together this week. Sounds like in the meantime the priority is getting regression bugs analyzed and resolved. If we haven't already we'll need a burndown list of those bugs.
Perfect, thanks.
It's impressive to see how well organized the bugs are! Having done triaging on X bugs for Ubuntu I know it's a humongous amount of work, but it'll pay off in making this release be really solid.
suv, I notice the subject of the referenced email is "Non-blockers"; does that imply that the bugs in this list are not deemed to be release blockers? If that's true, then do we have a shortlist of blocking bugs, or have those all been resolved already?
Also, I see that some good thinking has gone into setting priorities for pretty much all of these bugs, and only a handful are marked High. suv, do you have an opinion on how we should treat the bug priorities for the release? I.e., should we focus heaviest on getting the High priority bugs closed, and not really worry about the low priority ones? Or should priority be interpreted in some other fashion?
Thanks, Bryce