BTW, I finished refactoring the align dialog to use gtkmm
and more >>OO code.
Now I'll add the align nodes features.
How is it going to look in terms of UI? I think the most
would be to make it work on selected nodes when the node
edit tool >is
active on the active desktop, and on selected objects
otherwise. >This
way you need no additional buttons or switches in the dialog.
Also it would be nice to disable all or some of the buttons depending on what is selected. Thus, if no objects or only object is
all align/distribute buttons are grayed out; if several
nodes are
selected, "distribute top/bottom/right/left" are disabled
because >they
make no sense for sizeless nodes (only distribute centers and equi-spaced remain).
That was what I was planning to do. But instead of grayed icons, I think I'll replace them by specific node align icons (node align vert, node align hor, node ditribute vert, node distribute hor).
To do so, if it's not already here, I'll add a stdc::signal<void, ToolIdent> _tool_changed; for the desktop.
I also would like to talk about the possibility to use
the dialogs >>like in
gimp2 (drag and dropable notebook tabs, multiple
instances of the >>same
dialog, etc) I started a very simple implementation, but I'm not sure
you want >>to do that.
Now I'm used to it, I find it easier to remember keyboard
shortcuts and have
transient dialogs. No mess with tabs. PLease let me know
your >>opinions.
Draggable notebook tabs may be a good idea - it will let
one combine
all the tabs used frequently into one dialog and have only
that >dialog
open, thus saving space. But it's likely to be rather
difficult to
implement, it will very much disrupt our old dialogs code.
Yes. But as we will refactor all the dialogs, that should be the right time to do it. The only thing needed is to make each dialog inherit from a class. For me the main question is the impact on the GUI. Do we keep buttons for calling each dialog ? How much docker areas can you create? How do you create one ? What happens with keyboard shortcuts ?
Multiple instances of the same dialog does not sound like a
good >idea
at all. I think it will be just confusing without any
OK, so maybe a ctrl+shift+a shortcut could bring the align dialog in a new docker if it does not already exists. This way, you could still work as now, but w/ the ability to group several dialogs in one.
I was also wondering if we could split the fill dialog in 3 different dialogs, strarting in the same docker, but you could rearrange that, eg if you want to see in the same time fills and strokes ...
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