Bryce Harrington wrote:
I think basically what the requestor is asking for is some mechanism to overflow the document to multiple pages on the printer. In other words:
Hmm.. Are you sure?
http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=36722513 "I want to print custom sized documents (24 to 40 inches long x 8.5 "inches wide in either landscape or portriat) from Inkscape, using an "HP Deskjet printer and banner paper, but I can not get a continuous "print-out of the document.
http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=36723738 "Michael, I am trying to print banners approx. 24 to 40 inches long by "8.5 inches wide in either landscape or portrait orientation on "continous paper. I would like to get my document on continous paper so "that I don't have to cut and tape the thing together.
http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=36774014 "I am using an HP Deskjet 5650 printer. When I print my document (media "- thanks for letting me know), which is a custom size, I am limited by "the printer set-up page (HP assures me I can print banners with the "settings I list) choices: I select: letter paper (11x8.5), and for "paper choice, I select banner paper (I use the settings sent to me by "HP, and landscape. The results are the same, even though the paper "size is, lets say, 24 inches, only 11 inches prints (standard paper "size). There isn't a "print banner" box to check (only the banner paper "setting).
- Create a new document
- Set document size to 8.5" x 22"
- Draw things all over the place
- Print.
Ideally, the printer should spit out 2 pages with stuff printed on them. In reality (on my printer anyway), only a single page is printed.
While I know there's an official way to handle this via multipage SVG, it would be nice in the meantime, to have some (perhaps toggleable) way to make the printer overflow stuff.
If this is what is asked for then it is indeed something else than what I had understood..