Ted Gould wrote:
On Sun, 2005-04-17 at 17:14 -0500, aaron@...749... wrote:
Thanks. These effects all use Ted's autogui functionality. Autogui isn't fully functional yet, so I don't know if it should be put in a screenshot.
I think that, with tonight's checkins, that everything should be in the autogui functionality. It now supports the "boolean" and "string" parameters. And both "int" and "float" have attributes for "max" and "min" which will set the spinbuttons appropriately. Also, there is a "gui-text" which allows you to change the text to something a little more friendly.
I believe the remaining autogui work that is left is the "pixel tuning" type of work. I'm not going to focus on that short term, if someone else wants to make it all look a little bit prettier that would be great.
I think there is enough to start showing off Aaron's effects though, you can change the function in Wavy now :)
Awesome. I can't wait to check this out and flesh out the inx files to match.
Aaron Spike