On Mon, 01 Aug 2011 12:03:40 +0200, Jasper van de Gronde wrote:
What kind of build times do you get when doing a complete clean build? And on what kind of machine?
About three years ago, a clean build on Linux took about 50 minutes on a single core AMD 3000+ desktop (that CPU model would have been about 6 years old or so by now). At that time I switched to an "AMD Phenom X4 9850 2.5GHz 4MB AM2+ Black Ed.", which dropped the compilation time to 7-8 minutes. So anything more than an hour would be ridiculously long IMHO. Unless you'd try to compile inkscape on your smartphone ;-)
BTW, I'm running Windows with btool so this is without making use of both cores of my machine. If anyone has any tips for building Inkscape on Windows using two cores, I'd love to try it out and see how much of a difference that makes.
for n cores, compilation time will be reduced approximately n-fold. At least that's my experience. So get a quad core, a SSD, and start using all cores (which is easy on Linux, and cannot be done using btool AFAIK. How about cmake?)