It may be that because I use the version of MinGW I used for build Blender and it's maybe a different version.
I'll tri this in a jiffy, thx :)

2010/3/29 Krzysztof Kosiński <>
2010/3/29 Elie MICHEL <mink.graph@...400...>:
> But my problem is that I have a problem when I want build Inkscape on my PC
> (with Windows 7). I follow these instructions :
> But the last act
> (C:\src\inkscape\trunk> btool) don't work  :(  I can see a lot of errors
> like that :

It looks like you are using a different version of MinGW that doesn't
support OpenMP. Are you sure you use the recommended build of MinGW,
which is mentioned in the Win32Port article?

Regards, Krzysztof