On Tuesday 10 March 2009 08:29:22 stuart wrote:
No promises, but I'm mildly interested in getting inkscape to cut directly to small craft Graphtec plotters on any platform that inkscape is supported on w/o installing additional interpreters like Python or PERL. I know this has been talked about before, but I don't think there are any technical discussions to be found here as to how to do it.
Looking at the inkscape wiki, all I see are plugins that translate between formats. I'm not terribly interested in saving yet another format on my HDD and would prefer just to print to the plotter. However, I'm not sure this is even possible plugin or not.
I have updated https://answers.launchpad.net/inkscape/+question/35004 . We are in talks to get this sorted and welcome your input and involvement. We talked about more then that Jon Cruz and/or I will put up a wiki page in a day or two clarify what the current status is for all parties involved.
Joshua L. Blocher verbalshadow