Hi Max,
I thought I'd add some input instead of staying silent (Thanks for cc'ing the Bug Wranglers in Patrick!).
As I understand it, now that we know bugs can still be accessible, the main objection is to keep the bug migration game going (and the effort spent to make sure it's done right).
It looks like the workaround with the teams will work smoothly, without adding much of a barrier to the bug migration game.
Just to make sure, would anyone still be able to update existing issues? (e.g. status changed, comments added, receive notifications for these)
If the existing issues aren't modifiable, I would prefer to keep launchpad as is till the bug migration game is over though (perhaps we should consider when it should be closed if we can't migrate them all over.
If existing issues are modifiable, don't have any objections from my end. I do notice that there is a steady trickle of bug reports that are consistently opened; closing the page does seem helpful even while the bug migration is going on since we are wasting time dealing with these reports anyway.
The last objection is the effort spent. Well, thanks for picking up this task again and investigating!
Regards, Nathan.