Aaron Spike schrieb:
Simon Mieth wrote:
I'm having a input extension which works as external application. It works fine with inkscape 0.45.1 but doesn't work with inkscape 0.46 preX. My application generate SVG to Stdout. If I use it in a windows shell and open the result in Inkscape 0.46pr2 and daily build it works, but no more as extension (inkscape crashes at this point). Is that an issue or are here changes in the configuration for external extensions?
We should probably start a new thread for this.
We need more information. You could be seeing one of two possible problems. A week or so ago I committed a one line fix to a bug that made extensions fail if they passed any binary data back to Inkscape on stdout. On vista there is an issue with the python environment that scripts see. This causes all python effects to fail.
Hi Aaron,
I have a Java project which provides an API for parsing DXF and one part for converting this to SVG. The project includes a CLI tool like the inkscape-dxf2svg tool. It takes the file and output all SVG to stdout. If I use "mydxf2svg c:\path\to\dxf > result.svg" in Windows shell I can open the result in inkscape. With inkscape 0.45.1 and earlier it works with 0.46X not. I'm working for a new release and want just to know if there is something changed so that have to change my tool or is that an issue. The extension can be build as java extension or as .NET extension and both run in a Windows shell so it should not be a path issue. Windows XP SP2, Inkscape daily build from Feb 29 2008: Java extension and .NET error message
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error! Inkscape internal error
My INX file: <inkscape-extension> <_name>Kabeja DXF Input</_name> <id>org.kabeja.inkscape.import.dxf</id> <dependency type="extension">org.inkscape.input.svg</dependency> <param name="description" type="description">Choose the layout for the import.</param> <param name="bounds-rule" gui-text="Layout" type="enum"> <item>Modelspace</item> <item>Modelspace-Limits</item> <item>Paperspace</item> <item>Paperspace-Limits</item> </param> <input> <extension>.dxf</extension> <mimetype>application/dxf</mimetype> <_filetypename>Kabeja-AutoCAD DXF (*.dxf)</_filetypename> <_filetypetooltip>Import AutoCAD's Document Exchange Format</_filetypetooltip> <output_extension>org.inkscape.output.svg</output_extension> </input> <script> <command reldir="extensions">kabeja-dxf2svg</command> </script> </inkscape-extension>
So maybe something goes wrong with the pipe to inkscape.
Regards, Simon