On Thu, 2005-02-10 at 11:24 -0500, Ashwin Bharambe wrote:
A couple of things:
- did you install libgc version 6.4? also, i am assuming you did do a
"make install" for libgc.
- you can grab rpms for inkscape dependencies from
http://inkscape.org/rpms/fc2/ -- these should work for fedora core 3, as well.
Please don't suggest that any more! Lack of C++ ABI stability between the versions makes this a very annoying thing to work around. (Of course it can be done but it's a lot harder than just getting it right to begin with.)
Installing those packages gets you inte a complete and utter hell of ABI compatibility (different libstdc++ versions, and g++ 3.4 (in FC3) and 3.3 (in FC2) have different ABIs. You'd have to deal with compat- packages and use the compat-gcc toolchain. It's a miserable thing to try to work through.
The simple solution is to get the deps from Fedora Extras. Here are the instructions, directly from the Fedora download server: http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/EXTRAS
With a yummable Extras, Inkscape 0.40 and all deps, compiled for FC3, can be installed with "yum install inkscape". 0.41 is forthcoming, likely within a few days. In any case, pulling in 0.40 like this gives you the right versions of all dependencies to compile 0.41.
Best regards, Per