Thank you bryce for the long email.
On 17 sept. 05, at 21:44, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Bryce, my SF id is: irisson
Okay, you're added.
I can checkout CVS logged as "irisson" but I cannot commit: jiho@...993...:inkscape_web$ cvs -z3 commit -m "Added Mac OS X dev downloads to download-en and download-fr. Translated download-fr" cvs [commit aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
No authorization is needed to update wiki pages. If you spot something that needs changed, be bold and change it. :-)
Also, if there's stuff that's no longer relevant, please delete it rather than move it into an archives. [...] I think that a good way for us to avoid the dangers is to be a bit more proactive at *deleting* stuff from the wiki. I've gone through and done some pruning a few times in the past, but would encourage others to also participate in this. Find pages that are disorderly and spend an hour or two reformatting them, copyediting the grammar and spelling, and so forth. Look for ways to make pages more consistent with each other; for example, use the same format for headings, examples, and comments across all pages. Look for ideas, requests, or documentation that hasn't changed in a long time; probably these are no longer relevant and could be removed. Find a few small pages that seem to all address the same issue, and merge them into a single comprehensive article.
The wiki on mac os X is modified and all the "history" part is supressed.
Then the web site has to be changed in the development build section. I could change the downloads_en.php and eventually the french one when it comes out (or translate it myself if needed) but not the german one. I tried to catch up on the web site translation process but I didn't manage to understand everything. Did it involves .po file or is it just a matter of writing a downloads_fr.php file? To change them do I commit in cvs or do I create a patch file (now that I know how to do it thanks to the great wiki!)
I think there was a good proposal to do it via po files, which I think is going to be the right way to do it. However I don't think this procedure has been implemented yet, so currently it still requires writing a downloads_fr.php file. Obviously, if you guys want to go with the po file, this would be a good time to get that sorted out and set up.
For changing the website, yes go ahead and commit directly to CVS.
I seems everything is done with inc files. I updated download-en.inc and translated and updates download-fr.inc but I cannot commit as mentionned above.
Finally, I remarked that inkscape interface is very slow in OS X compared to other equally memory hungry X11 applications (like the gimp). My guess is that it's because Inkscape icons are parsed from an svg file whereas gimp icons are from png files. does anybody thinks this can be the case? if yes: 1- would it be possible to use png icons in the OS X build to make it more usable? if it is possible would it be desirable? in that case what are the changes to make? 2- do you think that "simpler" svg icons would change anything?
[...] Anyway, I think the take away point is that it may well be the case that the icons are a performance issue, but fixing it would require a non-trivial amount of work.
ok then is the solution 2 valid: "2- do you think that "simpler" svg icons would change anything?" because in that case a special svg icon file ca be done for mac os X. even maybe with no icons at all in the menus for example, as it is the design policy of mac os.
JiHO --- Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau : a chaque nouvelle cuvee on sait que ce sera degueulasse, mais on en prend quand meme par masochisme. --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/