W dniu 4 kwietnia 2009 14:57 użytkownik MilesTogoe <miles.togoe@...400...> napisał:
Fantastic that you want to work on this - some of us have talked about the need for this - I'll help you any way I can.
Sounds great, I'm very pleased :-)
Regarding a work plan - try to break it down into small 1-7 day tasks - approach it in an agile function - so then your goal is to complete at least one task per week.
Actually KML => SVG might not be that easy - Google uses a lot of pre-made objects (such as popups / cloud boxes) that would have to be translated. But again, by taking it in small chunks, you can get a working XSLT translation that can be added to. Also the other direction might have the most impact - being able to draw some nice icons, etc to be added as a map overlay.
But yes, time is running out so get a basic proposal together to make the deadline. We can help you add to it.
Right, I will refine the plan in this manner and post the changes here and/or in the comments to the application. It looks like I need to get familiar with KML (and SVG) really soon (I actually started to learn SVG).
By the way, I think I need to learn some smart techniques about project management. Making a work plan like this one and estimating the needed time is a perfect example. Can anybody propose something (pointing me to appropriate materials is pretty fine)?