On Mon, 2005-03-28 at 21:09 -0600, fretfind@...540... wrote
Sorry I don't know enough about the subject to formulate more proper questions. I'm interested in learning more about the python scripting support. I realize it is a ways down on the roadmap still, but occasionally I hear a bit about it. Is there anything in CVS that I can try or anything I can read to learn more and watch it develop?
Well, there are two answers to your question:
1) If you're looking to execute Python scripts in Inkscape you can load the Python interpreter using a flag to your ./configure script. Basically you can execute any Python you'd like, but that really isn't that useful as it is waiting on an API to support the functionality in Inkscape. Ishmal is working on implementing DOM for Inkscape, which will turn into that API.
2) If you'd like to have an external script called by Inkscape and integrated in, that will work today. The external script will have to be able to take in SVG as STDIN or STDOUT, I'm sure that there is a Python library to work with SVG. Then, you can do what ever you want with it from there. If you're interested in working with this method, I can provide more information based on what your goals are.