On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 12:00:06AM +0200, - - wrote:
[ 1516323 ] Context Menu of Object with "Link" is bogus [ 1689087 ] Typo in perspective.py
Hi, I tried to create a diff file for those two. It's a very small change, but it's my first time working on open source and with svn, so I just wanted to do something simple first that wouldn't mess up any of the original code.
Also just to check whether I'm following the right procedure.
Weblinks: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1516323&gro... http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1689087&gro...
For the first bug, it was suggested that "Ungroup" be removed from the menu. However, I left it there, as it had much code attached to it, and wasn't sure it was desirable to remove it.
Hi Omar,
Could you upload those patches to the patch tracker, or attach them to the original bug report? Aaron or others will catch them and apply them from there. Let me know your SourceForge username once those are done, and I can give you svn access if you'd like.
Thanks! Bryce