On Sun, Sep 25, 2005 at 12:26:57AM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Fri, Sep 23, 2005 at 06:47:40PM -0300, bulia byak wrote:
And one more simple to fix but critical bug is that ill2svg.pl has been broken for a long time - there were lots of bugs on that, here's the latest one:
Any Perl experts willing to have a look?
Next, I searched online for existing EPS and PDF conversion programs. Ideally would be eps2svg and pdf2svg converters. The former does not exist afaik; the latter exists but doesn't produce svg that will work with inkscape. There are commercial tools that promise to perform these conversions; I did not test them and do not consider them options.
I also tested Scribus. Scribus has **very good** EPS and PDF import support, and an SVG export capability that works **very well** with Inkscape. This was the only option that produced acceptable results.
Oops, forgot to mention, scribus does not import pdf directly, but I found I could run the 'pdftops' program from the xpdf package on the files, then load the resultant .ps file into scribus, then save to .svg and load into inkscape.
The conversion is not perfect; for example I found the text got converted to curves in the process and became uneditable. Also, file sizes grow significantly with each conversion. Other features may also get dropped, but it appeared that the conversion was more successful than other options I tried.
Ted claims pstoedit will work as well; I could not get that to perform the conversion successfully on my box.
So... YMMV.