The current Inkscape code converts an elliptical arc to a Bezier curve via converting it first to an SBasic curve. This leads to some loss of accuracy to the curve (noticeable now that we are using SVG <circle> and <ellipse> elements where possible) and control over where the resulting nodes will be placed. lib2geom has been patched (r2122) to fix the accuracy problem. Is there a reason this patch hasn't been applied to the copy of lib2geom in Inkscape? (If no, I can apply the patch.)
Even with this patch, it might be better to provide a direct route to go from an elliptical arc to a Bezier curve bypassing the SBasic step to have better control over where nodes are placed. I have made a first pass at providing a direct route. At the moment, one Bezier curve is created if the arc is less than pi/2 in length. If it is longer, extra nodes are placed on the major and minor ellipse axes. Can the lib2geom experts have a look? I am sure I have not done things in a lib2geom sanctioned way. The branch is available at:
I've attached a test file where the red ellipses/arcs are drawn using an "ideal" conversion to Bezier curves (with four per circle/ellipse) and the blue curves are test arcs. (The Cairo routines convert the arcs to Beziers for display as Cairo/PostScript/PDF do not have a native elliptical arc path segment so just rendering arcs on screen tests the code.)
One obvious bug is that the flash path when using the node tool is wrong.