On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 07:38:00PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
As I'm sure everyone knows, hosting our website through SourceForge kinda sucks since it's so dang slow. Particular pain points are wiki and screenshots. SF is also continuing to prompt us about disk quota limits.
What sorts of solutions are there that we could consider? Are there existing providers that other FOSS projects use? Or ISPs that'd like to sponsor Inkscape?
Hi all,
Kees and I spoke to the folks at the Open Source Labs at Oregon State University about this. They're going to set up a Xen virtual machine for us to use (including root access), within a few days.
I figure we should put a copy of inkscape_web there, with the wiki and screenshots and whatnot, and experiment with it a bit, and if it looks good and runs fast, to discuss switching over to that.
Would anyone like to help me set this system up? It'll have gentoo installed on it, and I figure we'll need to get apache running, install mediawiki, and set up ssh accounts for folks.