On Tuesday, March 16, 2010, 7:24:50 PM, Joshua wrote:
JAA> On Tue, 2010-03-16 at 12:58 -0400, Joshua Facemyer wrote:
yeah, but not for another 9 years (or however long) when M$ phases out support for IE8 :P Somehow, people on certain platforms still can't figure out how to update their ancient browsers.
JAA> Does anyone with Vista or 7 want to report on the preview?
JAA> http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/
I installed it on Win7. Then I ran it through the SVG 1.1SE test suite.
Paths and shapes are there, with solid fill and stroke but no markers yet. No gradients yet.
Transforms seem to work. Images work, but gamma in PNG is busted at the moment.
Text elements work but attributes like dx dy rotate don't. tspan elements don't render at all yet (so all text out of Inkscape is not rendered since Inkscape puts everything inside tspan). International text seems ok (for horizontal text; no vertical support yet); Arabic and Hebrew seem OK.
Event flow for scripting is not there yet, but some scripting works (attribute modification, adding and deleting elements).
No filters, no SMIL animation, no SVG fonts.
Compositing is GPU hardware accelerated, so hundreds of semi-transparent shapes all being animated (via script) and overlapping works at good speed.
Colour management of tagged images is not enabled yet.
All in all a good first beta, looking forward to the next one.