I get this message:
Testing removeRectangleOverlap(zero gaps)... eg0...OK eg2...OK eg3...OK eg4...OK eg5...OK olap6...OK loop0...OK loop1...OK loop2...OK random ints with 0 rectangles...OK random ints with 1 rectangles...OK random ints with 2 rectangles...OK random ints with 3 rectangles...OK random ints with 4 rectangles...OK random ints with 5 rectangles...OK random ints with 6 rectangles...FAIL: removeoverlap/remove_rectangle_overlap-test
Is it worth sending such a report to this list. 'make check' did not report any problems lst time I ran it.
The tests with the 'random ints' actually take a bit longer than any of the others and sometimes I get a message about an Alarm Clock.
Does this indicate something fixable at my end, or a possible problem with the testing system... Or anything in particular?