I cleaned up the website code to make it validate as xhtml 1.0 transitional. Just some reminders to you all whom edit the site that you should all:
1.) close all tags (<li>...</li> specifically). Thus, <p>...</p> and <img src="./blah.svg" /> (NOTE: the trailing slash before closing tag).
2.) tags are lowercase now and attributes are quoted (ie, <img src="" />).
3.) encode all all html entities like <, >, &, etc using their special code: <, >, &
4.) If you add images, then make sure to include alt tags (my printThumbnail script automatically adds them in--this is used for the screenshots page and main page)
I converted many many of these to get the site to validate.
Many ppl don't close <li> tags with the trailing </li> and the coding_style.php file had no special characeter encodings, which ring a bell on validation.
Also, Bulia, the output from the keys does not conform to the doctype assigned to the generated html file (which is xhtml 1.0 transitional).
I know these are minor tasks, but trying to cleanup the web code/markup as well during the BUG HUNT!
Thanks, Jon
PS: As a show of good faith, I closed the 4 minor website bugs in the bug tracker. We almost have them all one page now! :)