Hi Bob,
yes I have a german system where numbers are represented like 1.234,56 or 1234,56. But I wonder that sodipodi didn't had this problems at all.
Bob Jamison wrote:
taraben.a@...50... wrote:
Hello Aki,
welcome in the club. I had exacly the same "feature". Already posted this to this mailinglist including screenshot. The thing is that sodipodi runs smoothly.
You might try a nightly Win32 build. We have worked on this some already. It is in the process of being fixed, but most of the problem should be gone by now.
The problem was, in some locales, floating point numbers were formatted as 123,456 instead of 123.456 . The SVG spec explicitly requires '.' . So we are going through the code and looking for places where numbers are formatted, to make sure they are converted in a Locale-independent manner.
I think this is -mostly- fixed already, so you might want to check it out.