Hi. Even though it's possible to add bleed manually (I could recommend about 10 different ways to do that), it would be beneficial to have the option, since it's a bit of a pain if you forget, and some print companies like 3mm, some require 5mm, so having a margin value that could be changed at whim is definitely something that would make pre-press export (and resizing) easier.So the questions:What would the margin effect?Would it only affect export to pdf?Would it affect the canvas size?Would it require markers to show where the margin is?Input welcome.-COn Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 6:57 AM, Ryan Gorley <ryan@...837...592...> wrote:José,When I prepare print artwork I just set the document units to inches, the document size to include the bleed margins, and the Scale to 300. I'll just mark my document boundaries with guides. When I'm done I'll then save as PDF.The end result will be a properly scaled 300 dpi PDF identical (other than being RGB not CMYK) to what would be generated in any other professional application. If the printer needs crop marks, you could draw those on the edges, there is nothing special to them.I hope that maybe helps you with your workflow a little.On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 12:31 AM, imagen imperio <imagen.imperio@...1761....400...> wrote:------------------------------Hi everybody,
Recently i start to have a lot of work with a big variety of sizes, for evrything materials, but this is not the heavy work the mostly is be adding an image as background and bleed, this is necesary after the print proccess to give a good finished to art. At the end you have to cut this bleed to have the real size, for example:
A letter size art with the bleed could has 8.75 x 11.25 inches after the cut have to be exactly 8.5 x 11 inch.
Have you ever considered add this necesary option? i know that people can export to png and choose if you want to export the page or the total image, with the total image you can solve the problem because de background is bigger than the area but png is nos a good format for offset print process, so after export the png you have to do other steps for this art works in offset printers.
Thanks for your attention to this question.--José Quintanilla RamírezGraphic Designer------------------------------ ------------------
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