Hi Antonio, as Im the dev do this Im glad to help you on it or fix myself if you are not interested.
All the best, Jabier.
On Sat, 2017-10-21 at 19:59 +0200, Antonio Ospite wrote:
I was looking into fixing https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/1707919 and, after compiling a recent Inkscape version I noticed that the behavior of knot changed wrt. selection and dragging compared to 0.92.x.
After some research on the mailing list I found the change mentioned here: https://inkscape.org/en/news/2017/07/12/what-happened-hackfest-2017/
I can see the benefit of keeping knots selected to be able to move them with the keyboard but I still find the new behavior a little unintuitive, at lest for shape editing: 1. The colors of the mouse-over and selected states are the same, maybe the coloring scheme of node paths can be copied: where mouse-over color is different from the selected and dragging colors which are the same.
2. Previously selected knots look still selected when _another_ knot is dragged without pressing Shift. Steps to replicate: 1. Change size of a rect using one corner. 2. Then change the size using the opposite corner. The firs corner looks still selected.
3. Shift-click does not really select arc knots for ellipses, or rounding knots for rects, because this action is already used for something else, e.g. to close the arc instead.
Would it be possible to use Ctrl-Shift-click for the current function and leave Shift-click for the normal select behavior? IMHO this would be more consistent.
4. Dragging with the mouse only affects the last selected knot, even if multiple ones are selected, but this is not a big deal, the behavior is different compared to path nodes, but both make sense IMHO.
I'll resume working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/17079 19 after the details from above are sorted out, to avoid overlapping problems.
Thanks, Antonio
P.S. When verifying 1. I also noticed that path nodes change their size when clicked the _first_time_ but then get smaller again if the object is unselected and re-selected; however this is unrelated to the message above, I'll file a separate bug report for that if it can considered a bug, what do you think?