As far as I know, unfortunately starting with Inkscape .43, backwards compatibility with the Win9X series was broken (Win95, 98, or ME). This problem was unfortunately introduced by new dependencies in the GTK+ toolkit that we use (not any changes that we have made). Unfortunately, the last release which we support for the Win9X series is Inkscape 0.42. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Given that you're using WinME, have you thought about dual-booting with Linux?
Anonymous User wrote:
I am using Windows ME to try to load INKSCAPE 0.43-2 after installation - but it crashes. All that I get instead are the following error messages back to back:
PANGO ERROR**:file shape.c:line 75 (pango_shape): assertion failed:(glyphs-> num_glyphs > 0) aborting...
"Then after that I get":
PANGO ERROR**:file shape.c:line 75 (pango_shape): assertion failed: (glyphs-> num_glyphs > 0) aborting...
Pango warning (recursed)**:Couldn't load font "MS Sans Serif 8" falling back to Sans 8" aborting...
I am attatching screenshots of these errors as they appear on my screen. WHAT IS CAUSING THIS AND HOW CAN I MAKE IT STOP? - IS THERE A CORRECTIVE PATCH OR SOMETHING?
I can't even get INKSCAPE to load - PLEASE HELP ME!
Thank You - oddball_arty_guy@...36...
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