Jon A. Cruz wrote:
On Feb 26, 2008, at 5:31 AM, Aubanel MONNIER wrote:
Does not work for me, checked the checkbox, restarted inkscape. Platform is WIN32, tablet is WACOM ET-0405-U, works in the gimp
Thanks. That's the kind of checking we need.
As long as you have pressure working in Inkscape, it should be getting *some* extended info.
Can you bring up the "Input Devices..." and see what different devices are listed in there? I would hope to see at least two in the combo-box dropdown at the top. Getting that list from you might help.
If it's any help, I also have the same configuration (Win XP and WACOM ET-0405-U "Wacom Graphire 1" pad), with "Inscape peferences"->"mouse"->"Use pressure-sensitive tablet(requires restart)" checked.
In inkscape build "Inkscape0802221719" I have two input devices listed: "Wacom Tablet Pressure Stylus"; and "Wacom Tablet Eraser Stylus".
If I select the Pressure stylus settings, none of the pressure or tilt settings can be altered. The drop-down boxes list values "1"; "2" and "none", but always change back to "none" no matter what I select.
If I select the eraser stylus settings, the presure can be set in the drop-down. Selecting "1" and "2" effects the settings for X and Y (setting seem mutualy exclusive), and pressure for the eraser stylus can only be set to effect the X and Y position of the cursor as nothing happens when eraser pressure setting is set to "3".
Also noticed the dialog seems to randomly ignore drop-down selection (particularly if I first try altering the tilt settings), and the save button seems redundant as the setting changes have imediate effect.
The Wacom mouse "puck" wasn't listed at all, but sort of worked, except it didn't recognise mouse button clicks in the drawing area.