MenTaLguY wrote:
On Sun, 2005-04-10 at 05:14, David Christian Berg wrote:
What would be cool is to have it build with GTK-Wimp (and my icon theme) I'm not sure, how big of a job that is, but if it's easy to do, I'd really appreciate someone doing this within the next week, so that I can already distribute it.
IIRC, the only reason we haven't been bundling Gtk-Wimp already is that on some versions of windows it generates long streams of assertions about fonts.
I'm not a windows user myself, but perhaps bulia or someone else could fill in the details.
Try this. Take an Inkscape win32 .zip build, and tweak it like this:
1) In the /share subdirectory, make a subfolder named 'themes'
2) Drag the gtk-wimp folder (which is already in /share), into themes
3) Rename it to Default. Now it should be: (your inkscape dir)/share/themes/Default
Restart Inkscape. It should have your theme now.