The 64bit dev libs has been built with gcc 5.3.0 posix seh 64bit compiler. So, I don't see why you cannot move up to 5.3.0? 

I don't have any experience with the TDM dragon compiler.

On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 12:53 PM, mathog <mathog@...1176...> wrote:
Hi all,

I am in the process of migrating over to a W7 machine [from XP, always
cutting edge here ;-)] and want a little feedback on which Mingw to use.
  The Windows build instructions

(still) say:

TDM's GCC (MingW): Please use exactly the version 4.6.1 32bit bundle
installer and follow the instructions below. In the setup, Uncheck the
[Check for updated files on the TDM-GCC server] when installing, or it
will install a newer version. Newer versions (tdm-gcc-4.7+) introduce
important changes in gcc and don't work with the current Inkscape
devlibs (see developpers' list discussion).

(Note: "developpers" is verbatim from that page.)

Is this still correct?  My current build environment on XP is straight
Mingw 4.6.2.  Current versions of gcc are 5.10 for TDM and 4.9.3 for
Mingw from those developers.  TDM still seems to support sjlj but Mingw
is only dwarf2.  From feedback on the Mingw mailing list they have not
had sjlj since gcc 3.6.something, yet the inkscape I built worked with
devlibs OK, or at least it seems to, perhaps I never triggered code that
would have failed on dwarf2 and worked with sjlj.

So, really go with that one version of TGM GCC or will the others work?


David Mathog
Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech

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