On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 10:06:49AM +0000, bulia byak wrote:
I made the selector handles inverse and tweaked their shapes a bit. Some of the colors of node edit and shape knots are also changed. Comments welcome.
I find the handles in CVS at present (2004-02-27) uglier than the blue handles in the usual case of white background. The one other person I've asked agrees.
Can we change things such that on a white background things look as they used to?
For non-white background, it's less clear what the best thing is.
If the only non-white part of the background is overlap with thick black stroking (say 8--20 pt), then inversion is annoying (distracting) rather than helpful.
Maybe try having a one-pixel-wide white border around the existing one-pixel-wide black border, and use semi-transparency rather than xor'ing. I'd guess that semi-transparency would be more real-world-like than xor'ing, and hence perhaps less distracting. Many cursor widgets have a white border around them, which seems to work well.