Well, having looked at things again it seems that the code already writes a bounding box. I think there was a sodipodi patch that added this, and that it was incorporated into Inkscape.
Having tried exporting an Inkscape file to LaTeX (which is the reason I'm interested in all this) it all works fine. The only thing left is that I'd like an option to make the bounding box the size of the objects in the drawing, rather than the paper size. I don't think this is too hard, though.
I would prefer it to stay as is, because normally I want the EPS bbox to leave some margins around the objects. It is very easy to adjust the page to any size you want (in Document Options), be it with or without margins.
Hopefully I'll be able to work out a patch which gives the option of calculating EPS bounding boxes from the size of the a drawing's contents.
As a selectable option, this is of course welcome.
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