2010/7/10 Krzysztof Kosiński <tweenk.pl@...400...>
2010/7/10 Igor Novikov <igor.e.novikov@...400...>:
We have created stand alone version because a lot of win users cannot understand all required installation steps. They prefer downloading 13Mb file than experimenting with separate Python MSI, PIL, ReportLab and UniConvertor .exe
What exactly is the reason UC 1.1.5 doesn't work when dropped into Inkscape's Python directory? I can update Inkscape devlibs to the versions required by UniConvertor 1.1.5, and add any needed stuff.
It's just require more efforts than for previous version. But there is no serious reason to use old 1.1.4 version vs 1.1.5
I think the main problem is that UniConvertor is not perceived by users as a separate application, but as an integral part of Inkscape. The majority of users is probably not even aware of its existence. For me, shipping 1.1.5 but interoperating with a standalone install if present is the way to go; this way a person that hits an import bug can install a newer version but the rest is never bothered.
Additionally, let's not forget about point releases like 0.47.1. I think they can be used for UniConvertor upgrades, and UC upgrades would be an important motivating factor to actually have them.
This issue we have resolved in 1.1.5 version providing integration patch for Inkscape. If you will decide using internal UniConvertor we will continue supporting this patch for next Inkscape versions.
Also, IMHO installation size does not matter now. Average modern HDD capacity is 1Tb and Win7 requirements for HDD is much more than 1Gb.
Installation size doesn't matter but download size still does.
If user has downloaded Inkscape (~40Mb) so downloading of 13Mb is not a problem.
Igor Novikov sK1 Project http://sk1project.org